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Forrest Horton
Assistant Scientist II
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI Facilities

Leica polarizing and stereo microscopes for thin section, mineral, and inclusion analysis.

Two excimer 193 nm laser ablation systems: New Wave UP193 and ASI RESOlution

The WHOI NIRVANA facility hosts a Neptune multicollector, Element2 single-collector, and iCap Q quadrupole with split-stream capabilities.

The WHOI Isotope Geochemistry Facility has a custom mass spectrometer for precise He isotopic analysis, a MAP215-50 for He-Ne-Ar analysis, and automated extraction and purification lines.

Hitachi tabletop SEM TM-3000 equipped with Quantax70 EDS.

Jaw crushers, sieves, hydrolic presses and other mineral separation equipment.
Vero Le Roux manages a benchtop Skyscan 1272 ultrahigh-resolution X-ray computed tomography facility.

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